
to be silent is a biggest art in convertation

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008


MP3 Terbaru Indonesia

Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2009

Info ini saya dapatkan dari tokoh blogger pahuluan yang namanya syamsuddin Ideris. Info ini sangat berguna bagi kamu-kamu yang masih duduk di Kelas XII SMP/Sederajat, SMA/MA/Sederajat dan SMK.
ada tanggal 5 Desember 2008, Menteri Pendidikan Nasional telah menandatangani Permendiknas Nomor 78 tahun 2008 tentang UN 2009. Berbagai informasi yang dapat disarikan dari permen tersebut adalah:

A. Jadwal Ujian
- SMA/MA (20-24 April 2009)
- SMP/Mts (27-30 April 2009)
- SD/MI (11-13 Mei 2009)
- SMK/SMALB (20-22 April 2009)

B. Mata Pelajaran yang diujikan
1. SMP sederajat meliputi:
  1. Bahasa Indonesia,
  2. BahasaInggris,
  3. Matematika, dan
  4. Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA);
2. Mata Pelajaran UN SMA sederajat meliputi:
  1. Bahasa Indonesia,
  2. Bahasa Inggris, dan
  3. Matematika;
3. Mata Pelajaran UN SMK meliputi:
  1. Bahasa Indonesia,
  2. Bahasa Inggris,
  3. Matematika, dan
  4. Kompetensi Keahlian Kejuruan.
C. Standar Kelulusan:
  1. memiliki nilai rata-rata minimal 5,50 untuk seluruh mata pelajaran yang diujikan, dengan nilai minimal 4,00 untuk paling banyak dua mata pelajaran dan minimal 4,25 untuk mata pelajaran lainnya;
  2. khusus untuk SMK, nilai mata pelajaran Kompetensi Keahlian Kejuruan minimal 7,00 dan digunakan untuk menghitung rata-rata UN.
Udah tau jadwalnya khan!!! Ga bingung ato bertanya-tanya lagi khan sekarang tinggal siapkankan otak, mental dan fisik untuk menghadapi UN tersebut.

Selamat Belajar ................................

Naruto Original Track Versi 1

Multiple Yahoo Messanger

Multiple Yahoo Messanger

Siapa sih yang nggak tahu Program Yahoo Messanger, program ini biasa digunakan untuk melakukan aktivitas chat dengan teman atau siapa saja dengan syarat kita harus mempunyai email di yahoo.

Terkadang ada orang yang mempunyai beberapa email di yahoo dan mereka biasanya tidak dapat menggunakan multiple chat dengan menggunakan Yahoo Messanger.

Disini saya akan menerangkan trik untuk membuat Multiple yahoo Messanger supaya apabila ada orang yang mempunyai beberapa yahoo id, dia tidak perlu menginstall program chat yang lain.

1. Buka regedit, start -> run lalu ketik regedit.

2. Setelah regedit terbuka masuk ke \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\Test

3.Lalu klik kanan New->DWORD Value

4. Beri nama DWORD Value dengan nama “plural” lalu Enter dan isi Value Data dengan 1

5. Jalankan Program Yahoo Messanger.

Apabila langkah yang Anda lakukan benar maka Program Yahoo Messanger dapat di buka multiple. yaitu dengan cara jalankan yahoo messanger setelah itu jalankan lagi program tersebut.


Next Generation Yahoo Messenger for Vista!

Next Generation Yahoo Messenger for Vista!

One of the only problems working for frog is that I most often can’t talk about the work I’m doing because of NDA agreements. But I’m so excited that I can finally talk about some real WPF work that I’ve been doing lately! For the past few months my fellow frogs and I have been working side-by-side with Yahoo to deliver their next generation Yahoo! Messenger client geared especially for Windows Vista. Read more about it at http://messenger.yahoo.com/vista. This has been an amazing project to work on for a multitude of reasons and has taught me so much about real-world WPF development. Below are screenshots from some of the work. Click on them to see them in full effect.

The application is being shown at CES this week in Vegas. It is still not even in beta yet so I can’t provide any code samples or working prototypes. There is also still lots more to be done but the application is looking beautiful and it truly taps into the power of WPF and Windows Vista. Below is a small of example that I can show of the kind of rich UI that was made possible by using WPF. Users will have the ability to customize the look and feel of the application in many ways, but one of the coolest is by using the color picker at the bottom of most windows. Not only can you change the colors of the window chrome but you can also use textures like grass or wood. Trust me, this is not your average color picker! I wish I could post a prototype of this so you can play with it, but not just yet :-) .

It has been so great to work side-by-side with Yahoo on this project. I was even able to go and work onsite at the Yahoo campus in Sunnyvale a few times. Thanks to Josh, Matt, Eric, Brian, Chris, Frank and everyone else at Yahoo for making it such a fun project to work on. We also received a great deal of support from Microsoft during the development process. Technical evangelist extraordinaire Karsten Januszewski was our primary point of contact in Redmond. Thanks for answering so many of our questions Karsten! On the frog side our team consisted of 6 team members. I was the primary WPF technologist on the project but was helped out immensely by Doug Cook who is another of our resident WPF experts here at frog. Kalani Kourdus was the visual designer who created all of the kick-ass visuals for the application. Kalani is well-versed in working in Blend so the designer-developer workflow was effortless on this project. Evan Torchin was the primary design analyst who sorted out and arranged all of our crazy ideas into a very useable application. Chris Robbins was the project manager who help keep us all on track. Mark Ligameri, an Executive Creative Director, was the creative lead on the project and provided the vision and design guidance along the way.

Expect many more posts about the project in the future as the noose of the NDA around my neck is slowly loosened :-) . This is definitely a case where the screenshots don’t do the application justice. Once you get your hands on the application I think you’ll really love it. It is really doing some incredibly innovative things in the instant messaging area.

Have fun in Vegas guys!

Yahoo Sudah Tutup

Faisal, Blon dan Tetra sedang berbincang di sebuah tempat pencucian sepeda motor.

Faisal: (sambil menunjukkan foto perkimpoian nya dari Friendster ke teman2nya melalui browser HP). "Nih foto-foto waktu acara kimpoian gue"

Blon : (dengan antusiasnya). "Eh, gue juga mau dong, masukin foto-foto gue sama pacar gue kayak itu"

Faisal: "Oh itu gampang, lu tinggal buat account di Friendster ajah. Sini biar gue buatin, lu punya email?"

Blon : "Gak punya"

Faisal: "Kalo gitu lu ke Yahoo, trus buat account baru ajah"

Blon : (Sambil nunjukin jam tangan bahwa sudah jam 11 malam dan marah-marah). "Lu gila yaaa, sekarang kan udah jam 11 malam, Yahoo udah tutup tahu!"

Faisal: ....

Tetra : (sambil nahan ketawa). "Oh ya udah gak apa-apa, besok pagi aja sambil gue ke kantor, Yahoo deket kok ama kantor gue"

Gelar Dari Minang

Usman Chaniago, supir camat di Payakumbuh, minta berhenti karena ingin merantau ke Jakarta untuk mengadu nasib.

Mula-mula dia bekerja sebagai tukang kantau di Tanah Abang, setelah dapat mengumpulkan sedikit modal dimulai pula menggelar dagangannya di pinggir jalan di Tanah Abang.

Nasib rupanya memihak kepadanya, beberapa tahun kemudian dia berhasil memiliki kios kain di dalam pasar. Dia pun berkeluarga dan memiliki 2 anak. Bahkan tahun ini dia membangun rumah di Depok, di lingkungan perumahan dosen UI.

Karena tetangganya semua akademisi, macam-macam gelarnya, ada Prof., ada Phd. dll. Usman merasa malu kalau papan namanya tidak tercantum gelar seperti tetangganya.

Dibuatlah papan naman dari perak, dipesan dari Koto Gadang, dengan nama DR.Usman Chaniago MSc.

Ketika ayahnya datang berkunjung, sambil bangga dia bertanya di mana anaknya kuliah, sebab setahu dia, Usman hanya berdagang.

Dengan malu-malu Usman menerangkan gelarnya di papan nama, "Nama itu artinyo 'Disiko Rumahnyo Usman Chaniago Mantan Supir Camat'."

Pancasilo (Humor Padang)

Tanggal tujuah baleh Agustus 2002, diadokan upacaro bandero di Kampuang Nareh Pariaman. Kapala Kampuang kabatulan pai dipanggil Camat, lalu inspektur upacaro diganti samo Pak Datuak ( ketua adat ). Singkek carito,mako tibolah saat pembacaan PANCASILO. Tanpa raso gugup Pak Datuak narimo teks pancasilo dari ajudannyo lalu dengan lantang pak datuak baco:

Ciek...!! BINTANG BASAGI LIMO........ ( gambar bintang )
Duo...!! RANTAI PANGIKEK JAWI ( SAPI ).......(rantai pengikat sapi, yakni gambar rantai )
Tigo...!! POHON TAMPEK BATADUAH ...... (pohon tempat berteduh = gambar pohon beringin)
Ampek...!! SANTAPAN DIHARI RAYO ...... (hidangan lezat dihari-raya=kepala banteng)
Limo...!! MAKANAN JO PAMBALUIK LUKO .....( makanan dan pembalut luka alias gambar padi dan kapas )...

Mako tabalalaklah para pasarto upacaro sambil binguang. Tabukaklah rahasio pak datuak, ternyato pak datuak hanya baco gambar sajo, pak datuak rupanyo indak biso baco.. he he he.

› What is emo

The term "Emo" is used as counterculture; it is an abreviation of the word "emotional". Emo it's defining not only an attitude, but also a fashion that are coming from emocore (emo music). Emocore is a combination between hardcore and punk music which was very popular in Washington DC in the late 80's. The emo culture continued to develop between '90 and '00, reaching the height of its popularity today.